15 Bollard Pull | Tug Boats 15 Bollard Pull | Tug Boats

15 Bollard Pull | Tug Boats

Tug Boat of 15 Bollard Pull

Tug Boat available of 15 bollard pull for towing pontoon , dumb barges and hopper barges

Tug Boat, Towing , 15 Bollard Pull, india, Tug services, harbor tugs, barge tugs, pontoon tugs, dredger tugs
Tug boats available for towing or pushing hopper barges or pontoon / dumb barge in channels or within harbor limits. The tug boats of min 15 bollard pull is sufficient for towing depending upon the carrying capacity of hopper and pontoon barge. The tug boat is of IV class and possesses all valid documents for operating within harbor limits. 

Permission can be taken for sailing from one port to other, if required. The tug boat is fitted with winches of 1 X 20 Tons and other of 1 X 10 Tons. Powered with generators of 200 KVA and main engine of 2 X 720 BHP. Speed depends between 6 Knots to 10 Knots max. Main Engine fuel consumption is 50 Liters per hour per engine and for A/E engine 100 Ltrs per day. Tug Boat is registered with Indian Registration of Shipping and built in year 2000 with overall length of 27mtrs, GRT 190 T and NRT 60 T.

For your requirement of Tug Boat of 15 Bollard Pull contact us with complete details of scope of work and charterers back ground along with operating location details
Inspection possible before sailing and after release of work order

Also available tug boats of Bollard pull, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50. For more details do contact us

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